Featured Video

THE HOOK (6:29)
The art of directing an elementary Montessori environment.

Professional Resource

MONTESSORI GUIDE is a resource tool for practitioners to demonstrate what quality Montessori looks like and needs to take into consideration in order to be implemented. 

  • Montessori theory is straightforward. It is deeply rooted in neuroscience and the natural unfolding of human development. Montessori practice, on the other hand, can be complex.

  • Capturing authentic Montessori practice on film for professional development purposes means showing the work of children in their prepared environments. We decided to seek the child who emerges under the conditions described by Dr. Montessori in her writings.

  • Our creative team traveled coast-to-coast across the United States, capturing ordinary days in Montessori environments on video to show a diversity of real classrooms with real situations. Filming took place in a variety of communities: urban, rural and suburban programs; public and private sector settings; at corporate child care centers and in home based care.

  • Topics of concern in daily practice are emphasized.

 Join us as we begin delving deeper into our craft!

AMI Talks


Materials for Educators

The AMI/USA Bookstore is open & ready for business with staff processing book orders several times per week. Expedited shipping is available if desired. We have both UPS and USPS shipping options. Additionally, the AMI/USA bookstore offers international orders through USPS. 

Video Topic Index

Montessori Community Resources

The Montessori Community has come together to support greater access to Montessori Teacher Training and development of Teacher Trainers through the following Funds:  

AMI Montessori Teacher Training (US)
Black Montessori Education Fund
Global support for Montessori
MES Fund
‣ Silvana Montanaro Fund