JOURNEY TO INDEPENDENCE (21:47) An exploration of how Montessori practice supports the natural unfolding of human development in the earliest years. This video includes topics such as the need for sharp observation skills, the importance of dynamic language, what "toddler" concentration looks like in the infant community and a brief overview of when a child is ready to transition from the infant community into a primary setting.
TOILET LEARNING (12:07) A concise explanation of the approach to toilet learning used in Montessori environments.
BEAD STRINGING (6:07) A story of the hand and the mind working together.
THE CHILD’S WORK (19:56) Young children are driven by an internal growth process to seek out experiences that meet their constantly evolving developmental needs.This video includes a discussion of the development of the child's will, how learning is deeply tied to movement in these early years and how nature provides a road map for the adult in meeting the constantly changing needs of children.
WATER (7:28) A story of gently guided exploration.
MONTESSORI’S INTUITION (6:53) Dr. Montessori's informed intuition led her to techniques of working with children, such as the three period language lesson, that reflect today's scientific discoveries about human learning.
HUMAN BONDS (19:00) An examination of the human relationships and settings that best support our youngest children on a daily basis.
SUPPORT FOR MONTESSORI PRACTICE: NEW TEACHERS (16:30) The first years of Montessori practice present unique challenges for newly trained teachers. Teacher trainers from all age levels of practice explore some of the dynamics involved. They describe the type of support a budding guide needs to successfully navigate his/her critical beginning years.
EVERYDAY FOOD (4:14) Capturing ordinary days in Montessori environments...a look at the daily preparation and enjoyment of healthy food in communities of young children.
MY MORNING (20:45) Experience the Montessori approach for toddlers by following three individual children through a morning in the infant community.
CONNECTION (7:57) The Montessori primary teacher is asked to become the “dynamic link” to the prepared environment for the child.
PEER TO PEER LEARNING (9:39) Nested primary communities of multi-aged children automatically create and expose children to a variety of social roles.
TRANSITIONS (19:43) Capturing ordinary days in Montessori environments... Transitions bridge daily activities in the primary setting. Montessori settings can be especially supportive of a natural daily flow for young children.
MY DAY (18:57) Experience the Montessori approach through three primary children as they journey through their morning work periods.
THE ALPHABET OF LIFE (7:13) Dr. Silvia Dubovoy, Ph.D., on the personality of the child.
HAZEL SETS THE TABLE (5:50) The Montessori teacher undergoes a transformation during her teacher training to develop the ability to see the child through fresh eyes.
RITUAL OF THE MEAL (5:58) Opportunities for children to practice a variety of social tasks and develop relationships are woven into the daily rituals of a Montessori primary environment.
NEW CLASSROOM (12:09) Starting with threes: the fundamentals of starting a Montessori program.
THE BEAD CHAIN (7:25) A story of persistence.
THE BUCKET (9:10) A story of problem solving in a primary classroom.
MY PINK TOWER (7:26) A story of matching the primary child to appropriate work.
SNACKS (5:17) Capturing ordinary days in Montessori environments… Snack is a social interaction in the Montessori primary setting. The practical life tasks built into the child’s snack experience further reinforce the cultivation of independence and problem solving abilities. Quiet conversations enhance literacy development in the young child.
OBSERVATION AND THE TEACHER (16:16) An exploration of the role observation plays in our daily practice in both the primary and elementary setting.
CLEAN UP SET UP (5:20) Capturing ordinary days in Montessori environments... Care of the environment supports children’s ownership of their learning community.
SUPPORT FOR MONTESSORI PRACTICE: NEW TEACHERS (16:30) The first years of Montessori practice present unique challenges for newly trained teachers. Teacher trainers from all age levels of practice explore some of the dynamics involved. They describe the type of support a budding guide needs to successfully navigate his/her critical beginning years.
CREATING A LEARNING COMMUNITY (23:40) Capturing ordinary days in Montessori environments…Montessori focuses on meeting children’s needs.
EVERYDAY MUSIC (10:59) Capturing ordinary days in Montessori environments... Children are exposed to the fundamentals of music on a daily basis through integrated materials and activities.
LITERACY (24:18) Capturing ordinary days in Montessori environments….The natural development of a literate human being, able to express himself and communicate successfully with others, is at the root of authentic Montessori practice.
COLLABORATIVE LEARNING (15:34) The elementary age child is naturally drawn to working in a group and challenging herself.
MEETINGS AND CONFERENCES (17:33) A look at the Montessori teacher’s role in setting the tone, creating a culture of learning and supporting social-emotional development in the elementary classroom.
THE HOOK (6:29) The art of directing an elementary Montessori environment.
FLOWERS (3:13) A story of elementary exploration.
DISCOVERY (8:23) Capturing ordinary days in a Montessori environment... Inspiring an elementary classroom culture of scientific inquiry.
SNAKES (8:34) A story of elementary “Big Work.”
FUNGUS (6:02) A story of elementary group work.
GOING OUT (12:40) Preparing the elementary child for the future includes going beyond the classroom.
PSYCHOGEOMETRY (5:57) The late Kay Baker, Ph.D. discusses Dr. Montessori’s work titled Psychogeometry.
ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM (1:26) The Elephant in the Room: an introduction to the project.